Hi, I was wondering what the age recommendation is for babies to do aquatic therapy. I have found some resources that say as young as 4 months but others that say 6 months. Thank you!
Here are some resources for you. It is true that infants with respiratory compromise and with compromised immune systems are at an elevated risk in poorly ventilated or poorly disinfected indoor pools. However, sometimes this is far outweighed by the benefits of aquatic therapy. Here are some resources for you:
Santos, C., Burnay, C., Button, C., & Cordovil, R. (2023). Effects of Exposure to Formal Aquatic Activities on Babies Younger Than 36 Months: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(8), 5610.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/8/5610
Aquatic therapy is considered so useful for infants, it is even seen on the NICU.
Here are some resources for you. It is true that infants with respiratory compromise and with compromised immune systems are at an elevated risk in poorly ventilated or poorly disinfected indoor pools. However, sometimes this is far outweighed by the benefits of aquatic therapy. Here are some resources for you:
Santos, C., Burnay, C., Button, C., & Cordovil, R. (2023). Effects of Exposure to Formal Aquatic Activities on Babies Younger Than 36 Months: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(8), 5610.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/8/5610
Aquatic therapy is considered so useful for infants, it is even seen on the NICU.
Neonatal aquatic physiotherapy in neonatal intensive care units: A scoping review. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34719445/